Andrew Striker Andrew Striker

Scratch Removal

If you're a car owner, you know how 🤬frustrating it can be to see scratches on your car's paint job. Scratches not only detract from the overall appearance of your car, but they can also lead to rust and other damage if left untreated.

Luckily, we can remove scratches on your car's paint without getting the whole panel repainted, saving you 💰money and time.

Before any type of paint correction is performed, it's important to note that the severity of the scratch will determine the level of effort and 📋steps needed to remove it.

For minor scratches that are surface level on the clear coat, compounding and polish will remove or at least reduce the appearance significantly. Scratches that are deeper may need to be wet sanded in order to level out and reduce the ✨appearance of the deep scratch.

A simple way to check if a scratch is deep is to run your fingernail over it. If your nail gets caught, it's likely deep. Many customers often 💬 ask how to determine whether a scratch can be fixed or not. If the scratch has gone through the clear coat, removed the paint, and exposed the primer, then the only solution is to repaint the panel or apply touch-up paint to fix the issue.

I hope this explanation has helped you understand scratches better when it comes to your car's paintwork. If you're interested in getting your scratches removed or getting a paint correction done, please feel free to reach out to us via 📧email or phone and schedule an appointment with us. We would be happy to help you remove those 👎unsightly scratches from your car.

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Andrew Striker Andrew Striker

Why Ceramic Coating is a Must-Have for Your Car in Thornton, Colorado

As a car owner in Thornton, Colorado, you know the importance of protecting your vehicle from the harsh weather conditions and road grime. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in ceramic coating, which is quickly becoming a must-have for car enthusiasts everywhere.

What is Ceramic Coating?

Ceramic coating is a protective layer that is applied to the surface of your vehicle, creating a barrier between your car's paint and the elements. This coating is made of nano-particles that bond with your car's paint to create a durable and long-lasting protective layer. Unlike traditional wax or sealants, ceramic coating provides a more permanent solution to protect your vehicle's paint.

The Benefits of Ceramic Coating

Here are just a few of the benefits of ceramic coating for your car in Thornton, Colorado:

  1. Protection Against the Elements

Colorado's climate can be harsh on your car's paint, with snow, ice, and extreme temperature changes wreaking havoc on the surface. Ceramic coating provides a layer of protection against these elements, helping to prevent damage and maintain the appearance of your car.

  1. Easy to Clean

Because ceramic coating creates a hydrophobic surface, water and dirt will easily slide off your car's paint, making it easier to keep your vehicle clean.

  1. Long-Lasting Protection

Unlike traditional wax or sealants, ceramic coating can last for years with proper maintenance, providing long-lasting protection for your car.

  1. Increased Resale Value

A well-maintained car with a high-quality ceramic coating can have a significant impact on the resale value. This is especially true for vehicles in Thornton, Colorado, where harsh weather conditions can cause significant damage to the exterior of a car.

Why Choose Striker Auto Detailing?

At Striker Auto Detailing in Thornton, Colorado, we are committed to providing the highest quality auto detailing services, including ceramic coating and paint correction. Our team of certified experts is skilled in the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that your car is protected and looking its best.

We offer a variety of ceramic coating packages to fit your specific needs and budget, and we're happy to work with you to find the best solution for your vehicle. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and see the difference that ceramic coating can make for your car in Thornton, Colorado.

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Andrew Striker Andrew Striker

Everything You Need to Know About Interior Ceramic Coatings

Ceramic interior coatings are becoming increasingly popular here in Thornton, Colorado, to protect interior surfaces from dirt, dust, and other debris. These coatings create a barrier that prevents contaminants from sticking to the surface. They also provide UV protection, making them ideal for use on your car's interior. But what exactly are interior ceramic coatings? Let's take a look at their features and benefits.

What is Interior Ceramic Coating? Car interior coatings is a protective layer applied to the interior of a vehicle that helps keep it clean and improves its appearance. The coating creates an invisible barrier between the surface and any dirt, dust, or debris that may come in contact with it. This makes it easier to wipe away dirt and grime without scrubbing or using harsh chemicals. In addition, the coating provides UV protection, which helps keep the interior looking new for a more extended period.

Advantages of Interior Ceramic Coating? Ceramic coatings offer numerous benefits over traditional short-term protection. They can last up to two years before needing to be reapplied! Additionally, they are water-resistant, which makes them great for protecting your car's interior against water-based spills. Furthermore, they repel dirt and dust, so you won't have to worry about your interior getting grimy anytime soon! Finally, interior ceramic coatings offer superior protection against UV rays, which can cause your interior to fade over time if left unprotected.

How To Apply Ceramic Coatings? Applying an interior ceramic coating is relatively easy but requires knowledge and preparation beforehand. First off, make sure the surface you plan on applying it to is clean before you begin – this will ensure that the coating adheres properly and lasts for years to come. Once everything is ready, all you need is a microfiber application block and some elbow grease! Start by applying the product in a cross-hatch pattern until the entire area is covered evenly, then allow the coating to dry entirely before leveling the coating.

In conclusion, interior ceramic coatings are an excellent way to protect your vehicle from dirt, dust, UV rays, and spills while making it look newer for extended periods. Suppose you want a durable solution that will help keep your vehicle's interior looking new no matter what conditions you put it through. In that case, investing in an interior ceramic coating is worth considering! If you have any questions, we would love to help. Contact us here.

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Andrew Striker Andrew Striker

Why are ceramic coatings so expensive?

Ceramic coatings might not be what you think…..

Ceramic coatings are what everyone is talking about in the Thornton, Colorado, auto detailing scene. We hear all kinds of information (fact & fiction) surrounding ceramic coatings, so we wanted to clear up the confusion as much as possible…

First of all: WHY ARE CERAMIC COATINGS SO EXPENSIVE??? Isn't it absurd to pay thousands to put a glorified wax on your car's paint? Isn't that only something that "rich car guys" would do? Well... not exactly.

Most of our customers here in Thornton need help understanding what a ceramic coating is. Fundamentally, ceramic coatings are the longest-term paint protection in the detailing industry. They are a HUGE jump from waxes and sealants, which only last a few months at best. Ceramics, on average, protect for 5+ years, and some even protect for the vehicle's lifetime.

We're talking water-resistant, chemical-resistant, ultra-durable paint protection... The difference between a car that IS coated and one that IS NOT coated after a few years is staggering.

Now other than the extreme value (protecting your car for the lifetime that you own it), what's with the expensive price tag? The other costs come from the labor, technical skill, and time involved in preparing the vehicle to actually be coated in the first place. To properly prepare a car to be coated, you are looking at a day's work minimum. Often (depending on the vehicle), this can extend past a single day of work. We recently ceramic-coated a customer's car here in Thornton that required a weekend of time and attention.

In addition to the time, the ceramic coating installer (that's us) has to undergo intense training programs to get their certification, so we are charging for our expertise at some level.

Coatings are changing the car world for consumers and those "car people" we all have in our lives. If you have any questions, we would love to help! Contact us here.

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